Executive Committee

We the members of the International Domestic Workers Federation (IDWF) commit ourselves to unite into a powerful force to overcome the exploitation and abuse experienced by domestic/household workers across the World. (IDWF Constitution)
As of October 5, 2023, the Executive Committee shall be composed of one representative from each of seven regions: Africa, Asia/Pacific, Latin America, Caribbean, Europe, North America, and the Middle East and North Africa including the elected Office Bearers – President, Two Vice-Presidents. Following the relocation to Geneva, the constitution amendment was approved on 29 January 2023, and the General Secretary became ex-offico.



Secretary of the Hong Kong Federation of Asian Domestic Workers Unions (FADWU)

Jec is one of the spokespersons in FADWU and a case-handler for Filipino affiliates. A domestic worker herself for over 16 years, she is employed taking care of elderly people. She knows firsthand the challenges experienced by domestic workers. After receiving her bachelor’s degree in information technology, she had to become the breadwinner for her family, and became a domestic worker.

Jec’ long journey of representing domestic workers’ rights started in 2007. Most recently, since 2022, Jec is the chairperson and the head of case handling team of the Progressive labor Union of Domestic workers-Hong Kong (PLUDW-HK), an affiliate of FADWU. As the chairperson of PLUDW-HK, it is her responsibility to report on our activities and monitor our programs and advocacy. It is also her responsibility to help the Filipino domestic workers filing cases, making statements, making referrals, and to do a regular follow-up. She is also part of the technical working group monitoring the implementation of FADWU’s programs and projects.

“I will make sure the voices of migrant domestic workers will always be represented in the IDWF as well as the voices of lesbians who are vulnerable to discrimination. I will practice the pro-worker principle and respect the majority and opinions of every member. I believe in the power of representation. I am a lesbian migrant domestic worker who is continuously fighting and changing people’s outlook on me and people in my communities.”

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